Cfa Level 2 Quicksheet Pdf To Word
1) details about the information summarized in the financial statements 2) summarize accounting methods and assumptions, estimates, contingencies, acquisitions and disposals. 3).They are audited.

4) discuss the fiscal period covered by the statements and the inclusion of consolidated entities 5) additional information on items such as business acquisitions or disposals, legal actions, employee benefit plans, contingencies and commitments, significant customers, sales to related parties, and segments of the firm.required to discuss. 1) trends, significant events and uncertainties that affect the firm's liquidity, capital resources and results of operations 2) effects of inflation 3) impact of off-balance-sheet obligations and contractual obligations 4) accounting policies that require significant judgement by management 5) forward-looking expenditures and divestitures.not required to discuss. 1) discontinued operations 2) extraordinary items, and other unusual or infrequent events.some parts may be unaudited; one of the most useful sections of the annual report. 1).seed stage.: provide capital for r&d 2).early stage. a) start-up financing: complete product development b) first stage financing: refers to the funding of the transition to commercial production and sales of the product 3).formative stage.
4).later stage.: company is still private, company needs second and third stage financing. Third stage financing would fund a major expansion of the company.Mezzanine or bridge financing would enable a company to take the steps necessary to go public. 1) estimate probability of failure for each year until a payment is expected 2) take each probability and subtract it from 1 and multiply them all together: this is the probability of success 3) discount the expected payout to the present and multiply that value by the probability of success (value from #2) 4) subtract probability of success from 1 to get the probability of failure and multiply that value by the initial cash outlay 5) add the two numbers together:.PV x P(success) + CF0 x P(failure).All investors:.

1) Aim to maximize economic utilities 2) Are.rational. and risk-averse 3) Are broadly diversified across a range of investments 4) Are.price takers.; they cannot influence prices 5) Can.lend and borrow. unlimited amounts under the risk free rate of interest 6) Trade.without transaction. or taxation costs 7) Deal with securities that are all.highly divisible.
Cfa Level 2 Cheat Sheet
into small parcels 8) Assume.all information is available. at the same time to all investors 9) All investors have the.same one-period time horizon.
Kaplan Quicksheet
10) All investors have the.same risk/return expectations.