Honda Nx 125 Service Manual Download Free
Dan's Motorcycle 'Shop Manuals' ONLINE PARTS & SHOP MANUALS ¶ In my surfing over the web I have run across a number of sites which have parts and/or shop manuals. Here is a list. I do not host most of these, they are just links to other web sites. If you find a web site with parts or shop manuals on it let me know so I can list it here for everyone. I usually don't remove any links, once I put them up. I have had some dead links become active again after being gone for as much as a year.
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If it's not too much trouble, and you ever get around too it pleeease let me know. I may have put too much oil in it? I changed the oil yesterday and today it was weird and would 'bog down' then accelerate like normal then bog down some more. It was running perfect before i screwed with it dang i should get one off of ebay as well, if you can't do that. Im planning on riding this to an from school this year and next.
And im sure something will go wrong. Especially because i am super-broke. I found an xr125 manual online but its in spanish.the engine looks exactly the same as far as i could tell by glancing at it.
It says its between.9 and 1.1 liters. A quart is.96 liters so i should be good there. The bike in the manual looked newer than my 89nx.idfk what oil would you recommend?
Maybe 20w oil is too heavy hahaha nvmd, it was just a lil too much oil.drained some and ran.runs normal.with expected power loss(barely) from heavy oil. Maybe it was doing that because i didnt get ALL of the old oil out and maybe it was mixing with the new. I found an xr125 manual online but its in spanish.the engine looks exactly the same as far as i could tell by glancing at it. It says its between.9 and 1.1 liters. A quart is.96 liters so i should be good there. The bike in the manual looked newer than my 89nx.idfk what oil would you recommend?
Maybe 20w oil is too heavy hahaha nvmd, it was just a lil too much oil.drained some and ran.runs normal.with expected power loss(barely) from heavy oil. Maybe it was doing that because i didnt get ALL of the old oil out and maybe it was mixing with the new. Click to expand.Hi! If you are looking for a Parts catalogue, I have one that is in Spanish, but I can help you with it if you want. Your engine as well as mine, aren't complex at all, I'm telling you because I've already taken it into bits when I swapped the countershaft.
Mine is a NX 150, made in Brazil, basically it is the same as the 125cc but rebored, je! Well, the parts catalogue is this one. And the service manual for NX 125/150/200, CBX 200, and XR 200R is this one.
1988 Honda Nx 125
(In Spanish too) As regards your oil problem. First, if you live in a warm zone, with no sooo much days of below zero temperatures, just use the SAE 20w 50 oil, a mineral one. My manuals for all small Hondas recommend the Mobil1 Supermoto 20w 50, here in Argentina I can get that oil on Esso gas stations. Second, in oil changes, you have to put in about 900cc or 0,9l for a normal change, and that of the 1,1l is when you take the engine into bits, to reoil everything. But, do not make so much trouble, put the stick that is on the cap for refilling the oil, in the bit of it, it has two little marks, you have to fill the carter with oil until it reaches the top little mark on the stick.
If there is any problem, tell me and I'll take a photo to mine to show you. Also, if you need something PM me and I'll give you my email so as to chat and help you with any doubt about the bike. Greetings from Argentina! And sorry, I'm still learning English. Good luck with your bike! Well, talking about my engine, I can tell you that it is an 151cc engine, and I think that it is the same engine as yours but rebored and with other certain things, but the bike came out of the factory like this, it wasn't rebored by anyone. Personally I wouldn't rebore a 4 stroke engine, as far as I'm concerned (or at least here in Argentina) 4 strokes do not get on well with that kind of jobs, or they get very weak and in very little Km start to have problems in the lower part of the engine.
But I don't know, maybe there is an option for reboring this engine, you should look for similar engines, maybe from XR 200 or something like that. As regards suspension and better brakes, I was thinking about fitting NX 250 forks there, would it be possible some way? That could save you a lot of headaches.
Well, now I'm going to have a shower, after that I'll se if I can find you a service manual in English of a bike with the same engine, at least to know something more about that thing that you have between the legs when riding (and I'm not talking about any body part ) As I promissed, here is a Clymer for XL/XR/TL 125/200. XL 125 engine must be the same engine of your bike. Take a look at the manual and then tell me if it helps you. I replied to you post in the NX250 thread.
I have a shop manual. Do you want something specific?
I'll be happy to scan it to PDF for you. Leo and I have been trading PMs. I'd like to get a motor with more CCs, too. However, the US doesn't get the 151cc motor that Honda exports to South America.
I believe you'd have to look for a XR200R motor which might swap in. I use my NX to commute. It's not going to climb mountains.
If you want to do that, look for a TLR200 (Reflex). That's Honda's street-legal trials bike from 1986-87. Or, look for a XR200R and make it street legal (if your state allows that).
Otherwise, you may want to 'step up' to an NX250. Even though the speedo indicates that the bike will go 80+, it won't. It runs out of breath around 65-70 mph depending on gearing. I have 56 teeth on my rear gear ('88). From what I understand, the 89-90 model has 48 or 50 teeth.
1988 Honda Nx 125 Specifications
I considered changing the main jet from a #100 to a #102 to see if that will help with top end speed. I haven't had an opportunity to test that yet.
You might want to fill out your profile so we know where you're. If you're interested, I started a that revolves around the NX. Leo asked if we could start a NX125/150/200 Thread because there seems to be enough interest. There is an old NX125 thread but no one posted there because of the small number of owners. The US did not get the two models between the NX125 and the NX250 (NX150/200).
I never knew those models existed until Leo posted info about his bike. The NX150/200 seem to have more in common, according to Leo, with the NX125 than the NX250. So, we might as well kick off that thread and see if we can't generate some additional interest in these neat little thumpers. Jan: the tire sizes are 2.75-21 and 4.10-18. I put a 90/90-21 and 120/80-18 Shinko 705 tires on my NX earlier this year.
I had to re-bend the fender support so that it would be wide enough for the tire. If you can find a 80/90-21 that might fit better within the fender brace. I still had the top case and the hand mitts on it. I'm thinking this is from last March.