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This is a German compilation and it includes: Die Siedler IV (a.k.a. The Settlers: Fourth Edition) The Settlers IV is the 4th real-time strategy game in the Settler series, building upon its predecessor with some graphical improvements, new buildings and features. You now can zoom in and out without steps and the game supports resolutions up to 1280x1024. Also there are enhanced multiplayer features and the game supports built-in voice chat, so Roger Wilco is not needed anymore. The world the settlers live in is threatened by Morbus who wants to turn the land into a wasteland with the help of his Dark Tribe. There are 3 normal short campaigns where the player controls either the Romans, the Vikings or the Mayans.
In a much longer campaign you switch between the three races to combat the thread of the Dark Tribe. The tribe abducts sometimes setters and puts them to work on their fungus farms.
To defeat them you have to destroy thier fungus farms that maintain a toxic barrier around thier dark fortress where they also built thier troops. After the fortress is destoyed you win the game. You can turn the wasland back to greenland with your gardeners and priest's. During the game you have to built a working economy usually starting with a stonemason and woodcutter.
The logs from the woodcutter are reworked in a sawmill to make planks. Most buildings require planks and stone to built. Your settles also need food witch can be acquired by a fisherman, hunter, a farm producing animals that can be slaughtered at the butcher or building a grain farm that requires a windmill to make flour. The flour is used by a baker to make bread.

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To built an army and additional tools you need iron, coal and sulfur. A suitable location for a mine can be found by a geologist on a mountain range.
With the iron and coal the blacksmith and tool smith can make weapons and tools after the iron ore from the mines has been reworked in bars by the smelter. To produce stronger fighting units you need gold witch can also be mined and melted in to bars. The number of settlers can be increased by building more houses. You can only built in your own territory. To expand your territory you can train pioneers or built towers. Conquered enemy towers also gain additional territory.
With ports and harbors a shipping line can be maintained between different islands. In addition to warriors there are also priests that can use spells like summoning raw materials, tools, weapons and supports your armies in to battle with spells that turn enemy troops in your own troops.
These spells need manna that can be produced after building a certain chain of buildings. Die Siedler IV Mission CD The Settlers IV Mission CD is the first add-on for The Settlers: Fourth Edition and features five new campaigns in total for the three factions but each with a different focus. One campaign requires the player to build vast armies to overcome the enemy attacks, another instead focuses on building up a settlement and winning by strategic expansion.
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Each campaign also continues the story from the main game. While the Romans have defeated Morbus, they still have to drive back the scattered remaining forces of the Dark Side threatening their lands and rebuild their destroyed settlements. The Maya, under the rule of Montezuma, on the other hand need to drive back the Romans crusade through their lands and the Vikings are moving south, exploring the ancient world. The add-on also features 16 new single player and 18 new multi player maps for each of the three game modes and introduces the powerful map editor as well as a random map generator. Die Siedler IV: Die Trojaner und das Elixier der Macht The Settlers IV: The Trojans and the Elixir of Power is the second add-on for The Settlers: Fourth Edition and introduces the Trojans as a new, playable faction including their own 12 mission campaign with new music and new cutscenes. During the story the player, as the Trojans, needs to prevent Morbus from finding and using the Elixir of Power which would make him invincible. The fact that he stole the knowledge about how to build flying machines from the Trojans and now uses them against them makes things not easier.
The add-on also features a new campaign for each of the other factions and an additional campaign for the peaceful settler. Each faction also has new spells available and the Trojans get access to a new unit called the Backpack Catapult Carrier.
Other additions include the return of the observation window which allows the player to keep an eye on a part of the map in a small, additional window. Included are also 26 new single and multiplayer maps, an updated map editor allowing the creation of Trojan missions and an updated AI which uses the resources on the map more intelligently. A large collection of multiplayer maps You can now choose to play either as the Romans, the Vikings, the Maya, or the Trojans. Early editions also include some mini-games, desktop wallpapers and skins for ICQ and Winamp. PASSWORD: 'theisozone'.