Invalid Inconsistent License Key Solidworks Free

Anonymous said. Hi, maybe you could help me' I tried to install patran-nastran 2005. When I ipconfig my computer, I get computername, ethernet address and IP. I have tried to edit licence.dat as below: SERVER 001921e538de ANY 1700 DAEMON MSC C: flexlm msc.exe FEATURE ABS MSC 2004.0999 31-dec-2019 99 C7F4CF558D56 ISSUER=ROR SN=1272467-3A3E3AF6FCE2C85F8742 FEATURE ACIS MSC 2004.0999 31-dec-2019 99 F06B09344A45 ISSUER=ROR SN=1072400-8B72E41C49D5B2B25746 FEATURE ACISNAME MSC 2004.0999 31-dec-2019 99 78D7DB209BCA ISSUER=ROR SN=1296724-FC8DA9FD8E899967E16D. Where 001921e538de is my Ethernet address it keeps telling me 'Your request to run MSC.Patran has been denied.
Server node is down or not responding' though it says 'Server Start Successful' when I start it in lmtools. With computer name insteat of Eth, address it says that license.dat is wrong.
So, what should I put as hostname? Could you help me? Anonymous said. 'SERVER ComputerName ANY 1700@ComputerName' worked. Anonymous said. I hope you can help me. I installed NX4 and even tried NX5, but neither of them will work.
I have edited the licens as followed in NX5: SERVER monster ID=2000 VENDOR ugslmd then I start the lmtools and go using the licensfile, but when i then go to the tab, start/stop/reread, lmtools crashes. And the log file in UGSLicensing i saying the it could not open the port lstet in the licensfile. So I realy hope you can help me.
I am using XP PRO SP3. Anonymous said. Hi, me again, I just want to tell that I am dualbooting with vista on a second harddrive. Dont know if this has anyting to say. I was out of station from last 4 days,so here is solution for ur problem. U r using ur lic.

File like this SERVER monster ID=2000 VENDOR ugslmd reinstall lic. Server and use the lic.
File during installation. Before installation edit lic. File like this. SERVER ComputerName ANY 17000@ComputerName if u don't know how to find out computer name then for computer name and other details visit my Computer Host ID post. Anonymous said.
I have tried to install NX6 with changed licenced file: SERVER ComputerName ANY 17000@ComputerName Also I have put system variables. When I want to run the LMTOOLS using licence file I see in the ugslicencing.log following error: 14:33:16 (lmgrd) The license server manager has found no vendor daemons to start 14:33:16 (lmgrd) (There are no VENDOR (or DAEMON) lines in the license file), lmgrd exiting. Hi anonymous u are trying to install UG NX6.
First of all port value is 27000 not 17000. Here the port value is changed from 27000 to 28000 in UG NX5 and NX6. U can check my this post for NX5 & NX6 and all of u please leave ur name. And avoid i can leave solution for that particular friend. Have a nice day. RoadRunner said. Hi I am trying to install NX 4.0 on a Win 2008 Std Server and I can't.
When it reaches the part with 'starting services' I get an error saying that the licence server can't be started and 'Verify that you have sufficient privileges to start system services'. I am logged as administrator and in Local Security Policy - Local Policies - User Rights Assignement I have set up the admin account to be able to do almost anything (except the 4 lines that start with deny). Anonymous said. I have installed UG NX6 but when i start, geting these error.even i set environment variable but still have these problem.
Please help me NX LICENSE ERROR - NX REQUIRED THE ENVIRONMENTAL VARIABLE ugsLICENSESERVER to be configured can either be set to the value port@hostname of the NX license server or it can be set to point directly to a license file. By default it will be of the form 28000@servername. Regards praveen said.
Hi Anonymous, check port value in your lic. File and environment variable the first 2 lines should be like this.
SERVER host ID=2000@host VENDOR ugslmd here host means your computer name. Have a nice day. Anonymous said. HAPPY NEW YEAR MASTERMIND please help me.
I REMOVED UG NX6 AND REINSTALLED LISENCE SERVER AND NX 6. BUT STILL FACING TROUBLE. NOW ERROR SHOWING AS BELOW - 'NX LICENSE eRRO: INVALID(INCONSISTENT) LICENSE KEY OR SIGNATURE, THE LICENSE KEY/SIGNATURE AND DATA FOR THE FEATURE DO NOT MATCH' please help me and advice how to installed. If possible please mail me complete installation step. My mail id - regards praveen said. Hi please help me.
I am again facing problem. Cant abt le to run UG NX6. In lic file i changed first two lines as below - SERVER thishost ID=2000@praveenroy VENDOR ugslmd praveen roy is my computer name.
After that i installed liscense server then installed NX 6. In environmental variable - have set VARIABLE NAME - UGIILICENSEFILE VARIABLE VALUE -28000@praveenroy. But still getting error message as below - 'NX LICENSE eRRO: INVALID(INCONSISTENT) LICENSE KEY OR SIGNATURE, THE LICENSE KEY/SIGNATURE AND DATA FOR THE FEATURE DO NOT MATCH' said. Hi SKY, in lic file u have changed first two lines as below - SERVER thishost ID=2000@praveenroy VENDOR ugslmd praveen roy is my computer name. Lets change them with this.
SERVER praveenroy ID=2000@praveenroy VENDOR ugslmd and enjoy. Have a nice day. Hi i changed in lic file as your instruction but still getting error message - 'NX LICENSE ERRO: INVALID(INCONSISTENT) LICENSE KEY OR SIGNATURE, THE LICENSE KEY/SIGNATURE AND DATA FOR THE FEATURE DO NOT MATCH' Please Help me. I want to run NX6 in my system.
Thnak you sir very much. Now NX6 working. I had made some mistake.
Thanku for helping me. I have installed UG NX6 with the following lines in license file SERVER ekco ID=2000@ekco VENDOR ugslmd ekco is my computer name but still getting the message: NX LICENSE ERROR - NX REQUIRED THE ENVIRONMENTAL VARIABLE ugsLICENSESERVER to be configured can either be set to the value port@hostname of the NX license server or it can be set to point directly to a license file. By default it will be of the form 28000@servername. I have checked the log file, it gives the message:- pid 1260 The TCP port number in the license, 28000, is already in use. Possible causes: 1) The license server manager (lmgrd) is already running for this license. 2) The OS has not 'cleared' this port since lmgrd died.
3) Another process is using this port number (unlikely). Solutions: 1) Make sure lmgrd and all vendor daemons for this license are not running. 2) You may have to wait for the OS to clear this port. (lmgrd) Retrying for about 5 more minutes (lmgrd) Still trying. (lmgrd) Still trying. (lmgrd) Still trying.
(lmgrd) Failed to open the TCP port number in the license. Please help!!!!
Hi pahuljot, Check my new post regarding port setting for UG. Have a nice day. I trying to install nx5. I have followed all the steps including setting environment variables but still it shows error set to wrong host or lic server not found.
In licensing log file it states 21:14:36 (lmgrd) pid 1380 21:14:36 (lmgrd) Failed to open the TCP port number in the license. I am installing UG in win xp. Please help to solve this.
Thanks Nilay said. Hi, can u help me install nx5 please? So i edit lic. Like this: SERVER Laptop ID=2000 VENDOR ugslmd Laptop is my computer name. So i install ugs license. Then i try to install nx5 but when it says write your hostname or something like that, i write: 28000@Laptop and then i press next and it says server license could not be found. So what am i doing wrong?
Hi Jesus Ernesto, please describe your issue clearly, because i have already posted solution related to your problem. Hi chander, this is what i've done. First i installed UGS licesing and the license file that i used said this: SERVER Laptop ID=2000 VENDOR ugslmd Laptop is my computer name. So i installed ugs license with no problem.
Then i try to install nx5, when it says write your hostname or something like that, i write: 28000@Laptop and then i press next and a message appears saying that server license could not be found. Is that normal?
I've already done this this is what happened after i restarted my laptop. I tried to open NX5 and it said something about nx license error: unknown error code. Then i went to where all the bundles are and added one and tried again to open nx5 but still that same unknown error message appeared. Can u please help me? Hello, First of all thanks in advance for any help you are able to offer me. I've read through every page on your blog regarding installing NX5, and I cannot seem to get it working.
The first three lines of my license file read: SERVER KrishanENGPC ANY 28000@KrishanENGPC VENDOR ugslmd DAEMON uglmd 'C: Program Files EDS License Servers UGNXFLEXlm uglmd.exe' where 'KrishanENGPC' is my computer name. I have the server running in lmtools, and I also have all of the settings under the 'Config Services' tab exactly as you have them on your blog page. I also have the environment variable running as; Variable name: UGSLICENSESERVER Variable value: 28000@KrishanENGPC The error message I receive now is: Initialization error- NX License Error: The desired vendor daemon is down -97 please help, thanks! Hi krishan, here u made error in third line of your lic. File.Because their is not any file in UG NX 6 in the provided path like 'C: Program Files EDS License Servers UGNXFLEXlm uglmd.exe' so correct your license file like this: SERVER KrishanENGPC ANY 28000@KrishanENGPC VENDOR ugslmd DAEMON ugslmd 'C: Program Files EDS License Servers UGNXFLEXlm ugslmd.exe' if problem not solved then change like this: SERVER KrishanENGPC ANY 28000@KrishanENGPC VENDOR ugslmd DAEMON lmgrd 'C: Program Files EDS License Servers UGNXFLEXlm lmgrd.exe' hope that your problem will solve. Hi Chander Pal! I'll hope you can help me.I installed ansys 10.0 without problems, then I installed UGS5.without problems too.
Somehow UGS interfered with the license of ansys and now the ansys license manager wont start up. When I try to wizard the licence file an error displays that it can't find the correct path. When I try to make changes inside lmtool, im not able to do it. I tryed to instal and unninstall both programs several times in order to reboot every registry and the same error keeps poping out. I also tryed cleaning the entire windows registry fromo both ugs and ansys entries, I manage to do it but when I re-install ansys the same error comes out. I installed both programs in several computers, only one has this problem.dont now what else I can do. Hope you can help me!!
Hi madmanmau, Dear first of all there is not any chance of interfering of two licenses (UG+Ansys). This all is because of any other error either of your pc or may be any software. First of all check that the ports used in UG and Ansys are only used by the respected programs. And then check that both of the license servers are running properly or not? Here the good thing is that the license configuration and port setting and other procedures are same in both software.
So you please read the releted posts and then reconfigure or reinstall both licenses again. Hope that your problem will be solve.if not then write back here. Have a nice day. Thanks Chander Pal! That must be be the should I enter the new variable? In variable name write -ANSYSLICENSEFILE in variable values write -1055@COMPUTER Name I'm using ansys 10.0, 1055 is the number entered in the license. Also there are already this variables: ANSYSSYSDIR Intel ANSYS100DIR C: Archivos de programa Ansys Inc v100 ANSYS ANSYSLICDIR C: Archivos de programa Ansys Inc Shared Files Licensing CADOEDOCDIR100 C: Archivos de programa Ansys Inc v100 CommonFiles help en-us solviewer CADOELIBDIR100 C: Archivos de programa Ansys Inc v100 CommonFiles Language en-us Should I modify any of them instead?
Or exactly how do I enter the new one? Thanks Again Chander!! Hi, i am also facing the problem same as sky. Anyone can help me?
Hello and thanks in advance for your time. I've got the same error message as SKY (and CHAI): 'NX License Error: Invalid (Inconsistent) license key or signature.
The license key/signature and data for the feature do not match' I changed the license file in the way you indicated: SERVER asus1 ID=2000@asus1 VENDOR ugslmd (asus1 is my computer name). And the variables have been setted as you say.
Any further ideas, please? Thanks a lot, Davide said. Hey ChanderPal First of all, thanks again for trying to help, however that has not rectified the situation.
There is no such directory as C: Program Files EDS. On my computer.
Rather, the files ugslmd.exe and lmgrd.exe are located in a folder called C: Program Files UGS UGSLicensing This same folder has my ugs1.lic file. Right now the first three lines of my license file look like this: SERVER KrishanENGPC ANY 28000@KrishanENGPC VENDOR ugslmd DAEMON lmgrd 'C: Program Files UGS UGSLicensing lmgrd.exe' I also tried to use the ugslmd.exe file, but it has also not worked.
When I use the 'Perform Status Enquiry' tool in LMTOOLS I get the following: - Status - Flexible License Manager status on Tue 3/3/2009 19:00 Detecting lmgrd processes. License server status: 28000@KrishanENGPC License file(s) on KrishanENGPC: C: Program Files UGS UGSLicensing ugs1.lic: KrishanENGPC: license server UP (MASTER) v10.8 Vendor daemon status (on KrishanENGPC): ugslmd: For further information, refer to the FLEXnet Licensing End User Guide, available at ''. Lmgrd: For further information, refer to the FLEXnet Licensing End User Guide, available at ''. Feature usage info: Users of serverid: Cannot get users of serverid: No such feature exists. Feature: serverid License path: 28000@KrishanENGPC FLEXnet Licensing error:-5,222 and the same error (-5,222) continues for each feature. Thanks again - Krishan Anonymous said.
This solution dont work for me. I use Nx6 soo long but now i have to format my computer. And i cant run Nx6. 'NX LICENSE eRRO: INVALID(INCONSISTENT) LICENSE KEY OR SIGNATURE, THE LICENSE KEY/SIGNATURE AND DATA FOR THE FEATURE DO NOT MATCH' before format computer everthing is good. Solutions for this?? Best regards said. Hey please help me out, i have installed ansys 10 and iam not able to run it, some license problem can u please give step by step procedure for cracking this.please urgent Anonymous said.
Hi this is naga, iam also having the same problems with ansys 10, the error its showing is Product: ANSYS Multiphysics (feature 'ane3fl') checkout failed for the above product FLEXIM error message: no such feature exists. (-5,414) server/license files searched: 1055@ please help me out soon sir!!!
Anonymous said. Hey i forgot to mention that i have followed the instructions u mentioned and it showed server start sucessful!! But still the above problems is existing naga said.
Hi Guys, does anyone have this version of NX6 working on vista? I have followed the correct install procedure and when I check with lmtools everything appears to be in order but when I start up NX6 I get the toolbar icon and nothing else, it just appears to hang. The strange thing is that at first I was also using NX5 (I wanted to upgrade) and did not read all the NX6 install instructions.
I simply installed it and was using the NX5 license file. It worked at first but when I rebooted stopped working. With regards to another users posting I do not think the install will work if you also have solid works on the box.
There is a flex license manager conflict. You can check this via lmtools. Hi, maybe youcould help me i tried to install NX5 in my system after installing when i tried to open it says NX License Error: Unknown error code In license file i have edited like this Server (Host name) ID=2000 For Host name I have given my Computers Host name Could you help me?
Free Solidworks Key
Anonymous said. Can anyone send UGS NX 4.0 Licence file. Hi Anonymous, I think you to contact to Siemens for license. You have to buy one for yourself. For your info you can contact here if you are in India near NCR: Siemens PLM Software Tower D, 16th Floor, Global Business Park, Gurgaon - 122 002 Haryana,India. Board: +91 (124) 409-2244 Direct: +91 (124) 409-2288 Fax: +91 (124) 409-2211 Hotline: 1800-102-4822 Have a nice day. Anonymous said.
Hi Sir, Ive got problem when Install NX6. I tried follow your instruction including check the comment. Variable name: UGSLICENSESERVER Variable value: 28000@ricky (Ricky is my host name) 2. SERVER ricky ID=00163640FD2E 28000@ricky VENDOR ugslmd 3. Run the lmstools First steps, you said start/stop/reread. I see a message unable run the server (I guess this is the problem) Second steps, after locate the copy of the license, I run again the start Server,the message said server run successfull. But, I open again NX6, it still won't run.
The problem still exist: 'NX LICENSE ERROR - NX REQUIRED THE ENVIRONMENTAL VARIABLE UGSLICENSESERVER to be configured can either be set to the value port@hostname of the NX license server or it can be set to point directly to a license file. By default it will be of the form 28000@servername.' Can you help me sir, because i need it for my bachelor scription??Thanxs be4 sir. Best Regards, RF Anonymous said. Btw sir, if you don't mind send the answer to my email Thnxs alot sir. Anonymous said.
Hi, Do you have a suggestion to my problem sir. I tried follow your instruction for using LMTOOLS for NX6 license error, but there is a message which write like this: 1. In 'Server Diags' Tab: ERRORS: C: Program Files UGS UGSLicensing ugs2.lic:line 16:Invalid license file syntax. License path: C: Program Files UGS UGSLicensing ugs2.lic; FLEXnet Licensing error:-2,40027 I've checked the line, it's go to Server ricky ID:00. Vendor ugslmd 2. In 'Server Status' Tab: Detecting lmgrd processes. Error getting status: Invalid license file syntax.
License path: C: Program Files UGS UGSLicensing ugs2.lic; FLEXnet Licensing error:-2,40027 In window: NX LICENSE ERROR - NX REQUIRED THE ENVIRONMENTAL VARIABLE ugsLICENSESERVER to be configured can either be set to the value port@hostname of the NX license server or it can be set to point directly to a license file. By default it will be of the form 28000@servername. License before Error: SERVER YourHostname COMPOSITE=B17E62xxxxxx 28000 VENDOR ugslmd License Editing I've tried to repaired: 1. (First Step) Server ricky ID=2000@ricky Vendor ugslmd (Ricky is my Host name) 2. (Second Step) SERVER YourHostname COMPOSITE=9B2935xxxxxx 28000 VENDOR ugslmd Result still same 'Error syntax'. This is happen after I format my PC. I have tried follow your instruction in this blog, but result still same.
Any suggestion sir?? If you don't mind, please send the suggestion to my mail. Thanxs be4 sir. Best Regards, RF ( said. Hi ricky, i was out of station. So for your problem you need to set environment variable properly and you need to add the port 28000 in exceptional list of windows firewall. For environment variable check this post: and to add port in firewall: 1.
Open firewall. Go to exceptional list. Click on add port. Write UGS in name and 28000 in port number. 7.close firewall by again click OK. Hope that your problem will be solved.
Have a nice day. Anonymous said.
Hi, i wanted to install Nx6 too. Have made everything strict like in the manual. SERVER 'Computername'.
Then i tried the solutions which r described here but nothing worked. I have Win7 64Bit. So could it be that this is the reason why i get an Error? (NX License Error: Invalid (inconsisten) license key.) hope u can help said. Hi Anonymous, here in the post UG 6 is installed and working in Windows 7 x64 bit. So don't think about the version of UG and Windows.this is fine.
You have to check the post about: (NX License Error: Invalid (inconsistent) license key.) you can check it here: and my request to all is please write the comments on the proper issues related to windows 7 and UG are to be commented on respective post. And please check the comments properly because these have solutions. Hope that your problems will be solved.have a nice day Anonymous said. I installed pro engineer wildfire 3.0 along with flexnet license server. The server started successfully.
But when i started proE, it showed the following error. ' error in getting license for PROEFLEX3C, no such feature exist' pls help Anonymous said. Hello how are you tnx for all topics pleas help me how can i setup nx 7 and licens tnx said.
Hi, I have installed Ugnx5 on windows vista 32 bit, but when i start my UG it gives error ' UNKNOWN ERROR CODE' any suggestion how to rectify this problem. Rgds Ads said. Hi I have installed NX4 on vista 32bit but I am having problem. Every time I try to start nx I get an error message ' Initialization error- NX License Error: the license server has not been started yet, or UGIILICENSEFILE is set to the wrong port@host. 15' Anonymous said. Hello Maybe you can help me I downloaded 'Altair Hyperworks 10.0' from this page when tried to run the program it displays the next message: The desired vendor daemon is down.
Check the lmgrd log, or try lmrreead. Feature GlobalGridWorksAM Vendor:Host: Jose License path: 7788@Jose, C/Altair/hw.10.0/security/altairlic.dat FLEXnet Licensing error: -97,121 I tried the others solutions in blog.
I expect you can help me. Hi I am having massive dramas with this install. I had had NX6 working fine with NONE of the extra steps noted in many of the posts. All the sudden, I lost a Palette and had to reinstall NX6 and now, drama. It WILL not load with the normal error reported about lic. I have done all the steps outlined in these posts.nothing works. Any other suggestions?
Hello Maybe you can help me I allso downloaded 'Altair Hyperworks 10.0' when tried to run the program it displays the next message: The desired vendor daemon is down. Check the lmgrd log, or try lmrreead. Feature GlobalGridWorksAM Vendor:Host: Jose License path: 7788@Jose, C/Altair/hw.10.0/security/altairlic.dat FLEXnet Licensing error: -97,121 I tried the others solutions but nothing worked. I expect you can help me Anonymous said. Is there anymore information you can give on this subject. It answers a lot of my questions but there is still more info I need.
I will drop you an email if I can find it. Never mind I will just use the contact form. Hopefully you can help me further. Robson Anonymous said.
I like to spend my free time by reading varied web sites and today i came across your blog and I believe that it is one of the best free resources available! Keep on this quality! I get the following error when trying to open NX6 after installation. 'The license key/signature and data for the feature do not match'. I installed this on windows xp mode installed on windows 7. SERVER ashwik ID=2000@ashwik VENDOR ugslmd PACKAGE ADVDES ugslmd 24.0 1541F688A510 COMPONENTS='ADVDESassemblies Please help.
It is very urgent. Am stuck with this since 3 days. Anonymous said.
For Patran 2005 license.dat 'SERVER ComputerName ANY 1700@ComputerName' worked for me, too! Just had to click on the start server button again:) Thanks!! Anonymous said.
NEED SOME HELP PLZZZZZ said. Hi, i recently installed NX5 on win7 platform. After the installation the program ran correctly but after i rebooted my system it has been constantly giving the error ' server node down or not responding ( error code: -96). I tried changing the environment variables but i found them to be correct. Please suggest something. I need immediate help!!!! I got a new job and i need to know NX6 I-DEAS.
I spent few days to install this software and could not. Pl send a detail instruction from the starting so that I can install this software. I went thru this blog and seems to me here all of you are very upto date and have good knowhow. Please help me out as soon as possibel. I install this software but it said 'license daemon not found' I think I am doing mistak from step ONE. Please help me out. I need immediate help please can anyone help about how to install nx6 i-deas software??
I need step by step instruction as i never install software like this. However, i tried but error: lincense daemon not found' pl help me immediately. Tahnks in advance Anonymous said. After installing NX6,when i try to extrude a cylinder solid model not appering.hollow portions are appearing.planes also not highlighting.please help said.
Please help me after installation of nx6 getting error message as below - 'NX LICENSE eRRO: INVALID(INCONSISTENT) LICENSE KEY OR SIGNATURE, THE LICENSE KEY/SIGNATURE AND DATA FOR THE FEATURE DO NOT MATCH' my mail id Tushar said. I did all the processes as explained above bt still having problem wid NX 6. Plz help me out. I followed the steps given, but after trying to start the server it says:Server Start Failed. The Server May Already Be Running!!
I'm using patran 2012 64 bit. When i analyze my model there's window that show some warning like 'Your request to run Patran Nastran Preference has been denied.
Feature was never checked out.' I tried your solution but i change 'UG' with 'LM'. Thanks man, you are my savior today. May God bless you.
If anyone have some problem like mine when using patran you can contact me gsquares said. error is!!! 'NX requires a serverid feature in the license file' can anyone help me out?? Plzz Aditya K said. I Want Install Nx6. But When I Start Ugs Licensing Then Following Message Shown error.
Ugslmd failed to star. Please verify that. Please Help Me said.
See how to fix a broken monitor in this step by step guide. Billings mt meat markets.
Dear Aditya, see the installation guide of UG NX 6 and other article. If problem not solved then completely uninstall UG and then do a fresh install as per UG NX 6 installation guide. When i run the NX4 software this error message comes please give me the solution for the same Runtime Error! Program: C: Programe file UGS NX 4.0 UGII ugraf.exe This application has requested the runtime to terminate it in an unusual way. Please contact the application’s support team for more information What to do i m not getting please help meeeeeee said. I get the error NX requires a serverid in the license file/ i installed NX7.5 in windows 8 64bit.
Anyone who found a solution, please help.
When I start, I get the error message: Could not obtain a license for SOLIDWORKS Standard. License server doesn’t support this request. (-85,147,0) The SNL Server needs updating, please contact your network administrator.
For more information browse to: This error is more common than you think. The most common reason it appears is because the SOLIDWORKS client has updated to the latest version of SOLIDWORKS, but the server has not been updated. As the error message states, “ The SNL Server needs updating.” Note: The link in the error dialog box no longer works. The fix to this SOLIDWORKS error is simple. In order to run the SOLIDWORKS network version, the license server must be upgraded also to the same version or newer than the clients. So, a SOLIDWORKS 2013 to run on a client, the server must have the 2013 version SOLIDWORKS NetWork License Manager installed. Note: Older client version of SOLIDWORKS, like SOLIDWORKS 2012, will still be able to work just fine.
To find out what version is currently installed, open the SOLIDWORKS NetWork License Manager on the server. Click the About button in the lower left hand corner of the program. Version 21 is 2013. Version 20 is 2012 and so on. Here is a brief review of the steps to safely upgrade the server. Note: There is an upgrade option, but we recommend the following steps to ensure that you do not run into any issues. On the server 1. Verify borrowed licenses are returned.
2. Request users to close SOLIDWORKS during the update. 3. Run the SNL Manager (on server), stop the service. 4. Pick the Modify button, Transfer Activation/License back to SolidWorks (automatically over the internet) 5. Close the SNL Manager. 6. Uninstall the current SNL manager (through Add/Remove programs) 7. From media or full download, install new SNL Manager (Server products) 8.
After install of SNL Manager upgrade, run the SNL Manager and pick Modify, Activate/Reactivate license (This is to pull the latest licenses – WATCH FOR Activation Successful and make sure it is the correct version) (If it doesn't succeed and say the correct version, repeat Activate/Reactivate. If that still doesn't work, please call CATI Tech Support) 9. Review the License Usage tab.
Verify licenses are available and quantity is correct. 11. Inform users SOLIDWORKS can be used again. Neil Bucalo, CSWP Certified SOLIDWORKS Support Technician 2013.